Islam and Muslims
What does the word "Islam"
Islam is a voluntary commitment of Allah in every thought, feeling and work. Islam is a faith that is published Allahu Ta'ala through His last Prophet Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam for all humanity. Islam teaches that there is only one God, Allah, who created all things, maintains and dissolves. Islam teaches that there is a material and spiritual world and that in addition to this temporary life, there is eternal life after death, the hereafter, and the day of judgment, when the people in front of Allah be accountable for their actions. Islam is a system of truth given in the Quran as Allah's final publication. Islam leads to progress and happiness of mankind, and its rules and principles apply to all facilities, time and opportunity. Islam prescribes the maintenance of physical and mental hygiene. Islam teaches that, when we love, we do it in the name of Allah, and when we hate, it also do so in the name of Allah. Islam commands all that is good and useful, and forbids all that is harmful.
Islam means peace making, commitment and dedication. Creating peace means that the faithful should live at peace with itself and with its environment. Dedication and devotion is expressed in accepting and carrying out the will of God and through it, a Muslim achieves peace with Islam.
In the Quran, the Muslim holy book, God says that He has chosen Islam as a religion for the people.
Now I have perfected your religion and My favor to you completed, and have chosen for you Islam as vjera.Kur'an (5: 3)
Muslims reject Western term Muhammedanac, because Muhammad (pbuh) as God's prophet was a carrier of God's message and because only God is worthy of worship.
Who is Allah?
Allah is the Arabic word for the One God and not the name of a private God of Muslims, but Allah is the only one with the right worshiped the Creator of the universe; and Arab Christians call God Allah.
He created people and through His Revelation showed them the best time in the world to avoid punishment in the hereafter.
Everything you see on earth and in heaven is consistent and well kept. Everything is evolving and moving in complete harmony and perfectly true; nothing is accidental. Thinking about the order in nature leads us to believe that there is One Almighty God who rules the whole world.
The study of the nature and occurrence in it leads us to the conclusion that there is a Creator who knows everything and can. The Creator is Allahu ta'ala.
Allah know and believe by His characteristics mentioned in the Quran which are many, but here mention the following:
- Allah there and there,
- Allah is one,
- God has always been,
- Allah is ever as it will not disappear,
- Allah is not anything similar,
- Allah for himself exists,
- Allah is living its eternal life,
- Allah knows, hears and sees,
- Allah makes His will,
- Allah creates, maintains and dissolves. In Surah Ikhlas, Allah Ta'ala says:
"Say: He is Allah, - He is one! God is a refuge for everyone!
Not born anyone nor is he born, and whom no one is straight! "
When you mention the name of Allah Ta'ala should say.
What does the term Muslim?
According to the meaning of this word is a Muslim who voluntarily subordinate to God's will and that the creation of peace sees his duty. A Muslim is when it becomes a statement that there is no god but the One and that Muhammad is God's Messenger. As ŽTO has said anyone who knowingly and willingly accept the will of God is a Muslim and therefore all previous prophets before Prophet Muhammad (s.v.s.) were Muslims. The Qur'an in a special way mentioned Abraham (Ibrahim), who lived long before Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa) and who was neither a Jew nor a Christian.
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but a true believer, he believed in God one, and not an idolater (Quran 3:67)
On the other hand, there are people who call themselves Muslims, but who are not subordinate to the will of God, while at the same time there are people who are taking the utmost care to keep the Islamic way of life.
You can not make a judgment about Islam when looking only people who wear a Muslim name, but that the behavior and way of life do not behave as Muslims.
How a Muslim depends on its willingness to faith and submission to God's will work.
What are the basic obligations of a Muslim?
Islam is based on five pillars, which on the following obligations:
1) The testimony (shahada), that there is only one God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
2) Spread (Salah), which is prescribed five times a day.
3) Post (Siyam), which is the month of Ramadan appears.
4) Income tax (zakat), required for tax purposes of good fortune wealthy.
5) the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), which every Muslim at least once in life has to do, if the health and financial terms may be submitted.
All these pillars of faith should have the same importance for the Muslim. Contradicting that someone does a pilgrimage, not to fast or not to perform regular namaz (prayer). Compared to some of the building is inconceivable that the projected poles are missing. In addition, if we imagine that remain in this building need roof and walls, doors and windows, which in this case in Islam constituted a necessary moral conduct, virtues as honesty, patience, veracity and similar other virtues, then this building was complete. Therefore, Muslims should not only practice the pillars of Islam, Vecdi are constantly working to develop its proper character.
Who was Muhammad?
Muhammad (s.v.s.) was born about 571 in the city of Mecca in Arabia as a member of a prominent tribe. His ancestors come from the Prophet Ismail, Ibrahim (Abraham) son. His father died before his birth, and his mother when he was six years old. Not visited the school, but, as at that time was common, was brought up by one breastfeeding, and later by the grandfather and uncle received and raised. From an early age he was known for his integrity. When he was around the age of forty years, appeared to him the angel Jibril (Gabriel) in a cave in which he commonly made to meditate and released him that God's Prophet. Such Announcements followed the next 23 years and were later collected in book form. This book, the Quran, the Muslim is the last and final revelation of God. The Holy Qur'an is held unchanged in the original form; confirming the Torah, the Psalms and Evangelium that people in the course of time change (forged).
They love Muslims Muhammad?
No. Muslims do not worship Muhammad is not (s.v.s.) either and another messenger. Muslims recognize all the former Prophets, like Adam (Adam), Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), David (Dawood), Solomon (Suleiman), Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) and all others. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the seal of Prophets, ie. that was the last prophet of God. They believe that only God, not a human being to be worshiped. Belief in Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mission implies that Muhammad -sallallahu' alaihi wa sallam is not by any means be that we should worship than just a man like other men, but unlike them, he was perfectly devoted to Allah and endowed with His mission.
Bijavši perfect servant of Allah and the Prophet obedience to him means obedience to Allah and disobedience to him means disobedience of Allah. We can not know the will of Allah except through the mediation of His Prophet, and therefore it is not possible to be Muslim by ignoring any MPs and to our epoch ignoring the times and religions published over Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam means to refuse obedience to Allah and live contrary to His commands and the law . Of all people, Allahu ta'ala has pledged to retain only the messengers of erroneous opinions and religious decisions each their religious provision and guidance of faith and must not be denied. It also does not apply to any other human being. Therefore companions, Tabin and we have our faith of Islam were subject to unintentional errors and retain the status of infallibility as deputies.
To believe that people are infallible in terms of faith as well as in terms of anything else is delusion. Pogriješivost best members of Islam such as the first generation of Muslims is not intentional and it does not carry the attribute responsibility that entails our analog bending them. These are the best believers and people unquestionable ikhlas and devotion to Allah, the Prophet and Islam. Any criticism of these Islamic cynosure implies wrongdoing on our account even though mujtahids permits and puts the task to follow the best and most correct of their words and deeds. Each of their error is better than our apparent accuracy because Ikhlas and dedication to these great guarantor of their intimacy and insight on the issue of religious things. Ignoring the separation of their words and deeds the path downhill to the hellish abyss. May Allah the Merciful preserve such behavior. Amen!
Allah chose Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his last Prophet that people deliver and explain the final revelation and to be an example of how life should rule. Therefore we follow the Prophet Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his teachings, many love him and appreciate.
What is the Qur'an?
The Quran is Allah's Book in which Allah revealed the faith of Islam Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the intent to convey and explain to people how to use the Act achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter.
The Qur'an teaches us:
What and how should believe that Islamic duties should be done and how, and how people should rule. The Quran is not only vjerozakonik. He is a perfect code of moral rules, a source of legal norms and social laws.
Quran surgery and general history, pedagogy, sociology, astronomy, archeology, medicine, biology, physics, mathematics and other social and natural sciences.
Today Quran encourages many scientists East and West with different profiles to study and reveal the truth and instructions for integral development of individuals and communities.
What is peace?
Salam is the Islamic greeting obligatory for all Muslims and Muslim women in the world in their mutual encounters. Greet with some other Muslim greeting before Selama is a bad fad causes Allahu ta'ala dissatisfaction. Therefore, words such merhaba and other Turkish expressions as sabahhajrola etc. should not occur before selama or moreover replace the use selama which is very bad habit with Bosnians. Islamic greeting reads:
"EC ~ Salam 'Alaikum", meaning:
"Peace and blessings of Allah let it be with you!"
Muslim who has called peace must return the following words:
"VE" ALEJKUMUS ~ SELAM ", which means:
"Peace and blessings of Allah and let's you"
When someone sneezes should say "El ~ hamdulillah" and whoever hears it should respond "Jerhamukullah"
What Muslims say about Jesus (Isa S.A)?
Muslims are very respectful of Jesus (Isa) and his mother Mary (Maryam). The Holy Quran informs us that Jesus is the miracle without father came into the world.
Similitude of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam from dust created it, and then said: Be! - And he was. (Quran 3:59)
He was executed with the help of God as a prophet many miracles, among other things, he could speak immediately after birth and his mother defend her piety confirm. God has given him and other skills such as. healing the blind and the sick, reviving the dead, reviving birds made of clay and most importantly: He gave him a message for the people. This miracle, which God gave him, confirmed him as a prophet. He did not put on the cross, but raised to the sky.
Even non-believers began to come up with intrigue, but it is Allah removed, because he is the best of planners.
And when Allah said: O Jesus, I'll take your soul and to myself and raised and I'll save you from the infidels, and I will make your followers are above the unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection. Menu will be, after all throw up and I'll tell you about that in which the judge did not agree. (Kur`an 3: 54-55)
Surah Maryam (19) describes the miracles of Jesus in verses 27-34.
Does Islam in different directions beliefs?
In Islam, there are two main directions: the Shiites and Sunni. Common to both directions is to give them the Qur'an and the example of Muhammad (s.v.s.) basis of religion. Both directions five times a day pray to God, fasting in the month of Ramadan and go on hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. The difference between these two directions can be seen in two different ways of thinking. Muslims statements and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (s.v.s.) taken as a duty, called the Sunni, while others further statements and views of Ali (Muhammadevog zeta) taken as authoritative and considered it as a political and spiritual successor to the Prophet, called Shiites. The term Shia, from which comes its name, means party - in this case Alija parties. She started really as a political party, which is Ali wanted to help with his political opponents. Today Shiites are about 15% of the entire Muslim population. Most of them live in Iran and Iraq, while the Muslims of other countries predominantly Sunni.
What role takes the service of God in Islam?
The purpose of serving God in Islam is to invoke the presence of God in consciousness. Serving God as making the prayer, fasting or giving alms is one step on the way to the goal to achieve God's satisfaction with us.
If someone in his thoughts and in his conscious living God's will, then we can hope for in this world and the hereafter to God Award.
What is expected of Muslims after the death?
God is just and that His justice He could not perform, there is in Islam, the principle of responsibility. People who do good will be rewarded, and those who are doing bad things will be properly punished. Therefore, He created heaven (paradise) and hell (Hell), in which people reach under certain preconditions.
Muslims know that the present life is short and followed by a second life. This life is only a test, the test after which if it is placed, followed by eternal life in happiness and in a community of honest people in heaven.
What happens with unbelievers after death and whether the sins that God does not forgive?
The Quran clearly states:
The one who has done an atom's weight of good - will see it, and the one who has done an atom's weight of evil and - will see it. (Quran 99: 7-8)
With that thought to people who do not believe, but who in the world do good, to be on the grounds that in this world and be rewarded. People who are Muslims and who do, it will be not only in this world but also in the hereafter rewarded. The final verdict will bring God (Quran 2:62). Sin like him a flat regarded, God will not forgive.
Allah will not forgive him for someone else considered flat, and forgive sins less than that, to whom He wills. And whoever believes with Allah is to devise a lie, sin is great. (Kur`an 4:48)
Surely Allah will not forgive And yet they give flat, and will forgive whom He wills what is less. A stray far is one who believes that Allah is a plane. (Kur`an 4: 116)
Why should Muslim women to cover their hair?
Muslims need to keep an eye on modesty and in terms of dress. In order to avoid this that people find the object of desire, in Islam there are rules of dress for both men and women. Clothing should be neither thin nor narrow, to avoid visibility of body shape. Clothes man must at least cover the area from the navel to the knees, and women clothing must cover the entire body except the face and hands. Covering the face is not required. These rules stem from Kur`ana (24:31), and are specified in the statement of the Prophet Muhammad. These rules, as well as other rules in Islam are mandatory for the Muslims of puberty, since it represents the entry into the legal age.
Is Islam only pork is prohibited?
The use of pork and wild boar meat, is strictly forbidden to Muslims. So the use of pork, a Muslim makes a great sin to Allah Here poradzumjeva that any food item that contains at least a bit of pork or pork fat or any ingredient that originates from pigs, are strictly prohibited. Eating pork is forbidden for a number of reasons, but the biggest reason for this prohibition is the harm of pork to human health.
What Islam says meat animal that is not slaughtered in the name of Allah?
The meat of such animals is forbidden to a Muslim, because the very act of slaughtering animals in someone else's name am Allah undermines the concept of Tawhid, the foundations of Islam. To the meat was allowed, a Muslim is required to mention the name of Allah, saying: Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!
Al-Qurtubi states of Aisha, ra, that it raised the question regarding the slaughter of performing party (non-Muslims) on the occasion of their holidays and to devote Muslims, replied: What was slain on the occasion of the day do not eat, or eat fruit from their fruit. Allah SWT is allowed to eat it in an emergency, but says: 'And who is forced, without their desires and greed', ie without any desire or greed, 'it is not a sin' that
Types of dead animals that are prohibited for Muslim consumption:
Drowned animals; It is eg. animal that is strangled by a rope, or it is a difficult thing fell on the head of the animal and thus suffocated.
The striking of animals killed; This is an animal that has been killed by a shot stick or other object.
With the fall killed the animals; animal which is due to the drop for example. the height lost her life.
Sting killed animals; is an animal that died after eg. was stabbed by another animal (horns and animals).
An animal that is partly raised by other animals, for example. by the dog, lion, etc.
This category does not belong to an animal that is injured and say it was found by a man who then prekolje mentioning the name of Allah, while the animal is still alive. This animal was then permitted - halal.
The first reason for prohibiting the use of meat listed animals is Allah's ban on animal abuse and therefore not allowed the animal to choke, or strike until they die because this is needlessly torturing animals. Islamic way of slaughtering animals is universal in that the animal does not suffer during slaughter, because blood-letting prevents the arrival of the blood into the brain, which she loses feeling and not feel pain. Another reason for the ban is the harmfulness of such meat by the human body.
Are Muslims allowed the animals of the sea?
Yes, the animals of the sea, fish, whales, etc., Are permitted Muslims to eat. Allah says in the Qur'an following:
You are permitted to catch from the sea and the food of it (5:96), as we will, God willing, to come later in the hadith in Sahih Anber, then in Al-Musnad, Al-Muvetta'u and put on trial in connection with the words Prophet, pbuh, O sea states: / 173 / the water is clean and the animals died from it is halal. From Ibn 'Umar said Murphy' (commitment) directly from the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam: / 174 / permitted us two kinds of dead animals and two types of blood: fish, locust, liver and spleen.
What is the diet of Muslims in an emergency?
All prohibitions apply in Islam on eating, applicable only when a man is able to choose between halal and haram food. But however if the man finds himself in a situation that was forced to use haram food, because there is no other food, then it is not a sin to waste food haram to save his life. Some scholars believe that the man in case of emergency needs to spend at least a day and a night without food he would be allowed to use the haram food.
Are Muslims allowed to eat an animal that has been slaughtered by Christians?
As we already know, polytheists meat is forbidden to Muslims. But however, if we look at Christians, we will see that they actually believe in one God, even though they distort their learning. In the Qur'an Allah says the following:
From now on, you allow all the beautiful dishes; and allow you the food of those who were given the Book (Jews and Christians), and your food is permitted to them ... (Surah al-Maidah, verse 5),
While reading this verse, we can conclude that the meat of Jews and Christians permitted Muslims, until the slaughter does not detect visible signs of shirk, because in this case is such a meat forbidden to Muslims. Here we can conclude the following: If a Muslim Budo heard that Jews or Christians during slaughter someone else's name is mentioned, for example. Jesus (Isa a.s.), rather than Allah, then he is the meat of the animal haram - forbidden. It should be noted that Imam Malik R.A. opinion that animals that are slaughtered for example. Christian glory and their churches, makruh (disliked) for Muslims and for fear that when slaughtering mentioned any other name than Allah.
Slaughter of animals in Denmark and other European countries is contrary to Islamic slaughter (an animal is hit in the head a kind of a gun, only when the animal is absolutely still, then die, then follows the slaughter and to nučije other name than Allah, because today's Christians believe in a single God ) this method of slaughter is forbidden in Islam, but the meat of these animals eat is also forbidden (because the meat is considered carrion). Therefore, you are advised against buying meat in their stores (supermarkets) already buy halal meat in a Muslim butcher shops.
Are we allowed an animal that is not slaughtered according to Islamic regulations?
Most of the 'ulama considered halal meat only when the animal is slaughtered according to Islamic regulations. Against this we have a group of Maliki jurists considered halal meat even if the animal is slaughtered according to Islamic rules (cutting the throat). They relied on the above verse of Surah Al-Maidah. Means an animal that has been killed example electro-shock after this allowed Muslims, and Allah knows best again.
What he says about Islam means getting drunk?
Believers, wine and gambling, idols and arrows for divination disgusting things, Satan's doing; so that avoid to be saved.
Here is a rule about which they agreed all Islamic jurists, and that is that every means that opium, alcohol, drugs, etc., Are strictly forbidden to Muslims, both in large and small amounts.
What Islam says about trade with alcohol?
Islam strictly prohibits trafficking in alcohol, even with non-Muslims. So a Muslim is forbidden to import or export alcohol, to work in the store as a worker or boss in which the sale of alcohol. Muhammad s.a.v.s. cursed ten people who have nothing to do with alcohol, such as:
The one who produces it, the one for whom the products; the one who drinks it, the one who served it; the one who wears it (transport); the one for whom carries (transports);
The one who sells it, the one who makes money from its sale; the one who buys it, the one who is buying. (Narrated by Tirmidhi) Here it is clear that the Muslim should behave against alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants, is to reject alcohol, mother all evil.
Does a Muslim alcohol can give as a gift?
How is prohibited alcohol consumption, also is prohibited and giving alcohol as gifts Muslims, and even non-Muslims. So a Muslim should not give away alcohol to anyone and nor from anyone as a gift to accept.
Muslims are also forbidden to attend the festivals and celebrations where they serve alcohol. Muhammad a.s. says:
Anyone who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, a nesjedi the table where you drink alcohol.
Does alcohol can be used as medicine?
Here we can say the following: alcohol and I have a disease, it can never be a cure. Once a man told Muhammad a.s. that the wine used as a medicament, in this challenge Muhammad a.s. said:
Alcohol is not a drug, it is a disease.
(Transfers: Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)
Ibn Masud R.A. said: Allah did not create a cure in what is forbidden. (Narrated by Bukhari)
So it is no wonder that Islam prohibits the use of alcohol when making drugs. Here again we need to note that in case of danger to the patient's life, Islam allows the use of alcohol and only when no other means that may save the patient's life. All of these rules apply to drugs and other drugs.
Clothes and jewelry
What Islam says about clothes?
Islam allows, and even requires Muslims to be nice dresses and wears nice clothes. To enjoy the clothes she gave him Allah Men's clothing is required for two things:
Covering pubic places; and to decorate the layout.
Allah says in the Qur'an as follows:
O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce like your parents from Je-Nnete performed, removing from them their clothes to make them private parts of their show! He sees you, he and his hosts, where you can not see them. We have done the evil guardians of those who do not believe. Sura Al-Araf, verse 26.)
So, Allah commands Muslims dž.š to cover their private parts, because it is not moral to walk on earth was discovered, and the covering of the body are different from animals.
Are gold and silk allowed men?
This is the general rule; Muslim man is prohibited from wearing gold and silk. So, wearing gold rings or chains is prohibited men, also wearing silk clothes, like. silk shirts are forbidden to men. There is relief for a person, for example. allergic to other fabrics other than silk, in which case the person is not prohibited silk, taking into account that nothing else can carry other than silk. Gold and silk are permitted Muslim women.
What should be the costume of Muslim women?
Islam forbids a woman to wear clothing that does not cover all parts of the parts, which must not see, clothes that is transparent and clothing that is tight. Muhammad a.s. for these women said that although the naked clothed, due to wear through clothes. A Muslim woman is required to wear clothing that is not transparent, narrow and covering all parts of the body except the face, hands and feet.
What is the position of Islam in terms of imitating women or men?
Muhammad a.s. forbade women to wear clothing for men and forbade men to wear clothing woman. He cursed women who imitate men and cursed the men who imitate women. So in Islam is imitating men and women are strictly forbidden. In this regard Muhammad a.s. forbade men wearing clothes that preukrašena. Here we can say that a Muslim is not allowed to dress clothes, which wants to set itself apart from the others, because it is such. richer, then praise clothing is forbidden, men and women. See the article on the hijab.
What Islam says exaggeration?
Islam condemns and therefore prohibits any exaggeration. Similarly, Islam prohibits changes to the human body because somebody wants to looks prettier. This is primarily related to plastic surgery. Thus, any such amendment was made only for the sake of beauty, not to save the world, is strictly prohibited in Islam - haram.
What Islam says about tattoos, epilating and plastic surgery?
Here we will immediately relay the words of Muhammad s.a.v.s .:
Muhammad a.s. cursed the person who says tattoos and person
the real tattoos ...
So what tattooing is concerned, it is strictly forbidden in Islam. The first reason for the ban is because tattooing is losing the beauty of the body, and the second reason is that when tattooing hurts the person to whom the real tattoo.
As plastic surgery is concerned, Islam is seen as a fraud, because by changing what Allah has given you, you do the fraud. So, plastic surgery is forbidden in Islam. Also eyebrow (epilation) is forbidden in Islam.
What is the position of Islam in terms of wearing a wig?
Islam allows all that is good and forbids all that bad. Therefore here we can already guess the answer. Islam forbids the wearing of wigs for men and women. Also prohibited is the insertion of hair to your own hair to make people think that the person has more hair.
Wearing a wig is a scam, and Muhammad a.s. says:
He who cheats us does not belong to us. (Narrated by a large number of the Companions RA)
What Islam says about coloring hair?
Islam allows the hair coloring Muslims. Muhammad a.s. said Jews and Christians do not dye your hair, make sure you're the same as them. (Narrated by Bukhari)
This mentioned hadith does not constitute an order, but just good advice, we can conclude from the work of the companions of Muhammad as, for example because. Abu Bakr R.A. and Umar ibn al-Khattab R.A. They painted their hair, and say, Ali ibn Abi Talib RA, Ibn Ka'b R.A. and Enes R.A. It did not work. Now the question arises: what color to use, what type, and so on. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Bakr R.A. he raised his old father, Abu Qahaafah and brought him before the Prophet S.A .. Prophet a.s. he saw his white hair and told him: dye, but does not use black. (It is mentioned in Fath al-Bari)
This does not mean that the hair coloring black forbidden, but only advice. He knows, for example. to Hassan RA, Hussein R.A. and others are not opposed coloring hair black. It is recommended that hair coloring Henna or katma. Henna gives a reddish color while katm hair gives blackish color with red presijevanjem. Abu Bakr R.A. he dyed his own hair Henna and katma, while Omer R.A. dyed his own hair just Henne.
What Islam says about the beard?
Ibn Umar RA transfers of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.v.s. following: contrary to the polytheists; let the beard and mustache podkraćujte.
When it comes to putting the chin some ulema argued that shaving the beard makruh (disliked), while the other group argues that this is haram - forbidden. Brad is integrally personification of a man and a sign of masculinity and the male sex. Beard is not thought to be beard uncontrolled release, not the contrary, beard must be kept clean, and so long as that does not constitute a nuisance. All Muslim men are encouraged to wear a beard, because beard is a symbol of Islam. If a Muslim does not wear a beard looking to the disbelievers and the other advanced and modern people, especially from the west, then let him know that Prophet Muhammad a.s. said the following:
When imitates a people, and he belongs to the people. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
He never transferred that to a Muslim from the first generation shaved his beard, and we should we should emulate Muhammad a.s. and his companions R.A. Conclusion: The Muslim should grow a beard, but it should not be shaven, and mustache should be shortened.
Is there a holy war, or what is jihad?
The media is often referred to and identified concepts as holy war and jihad. In Islam there is no concept of holy war. This refers to the word jihad meaning strain, or more accurately the strain on the path of God. Any resistance that is taken in lifestyle to achieve God's pleasure, can be considered jihad.
Islam is a voluntary commitment of Allah in every thought, feeling and work. Islam is a faith that is published Allahu Ta'ala through His last Prophet Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam for all humanity. Islam teaches that there is only one God, Allah, who created all things, maintains and dissolves. Islam teaches that there is a material and spiritual world and that in addition to this temporary life, there is eternal life after death, the hereafter, and the day of judgment, when the people in front of Allah be accountable for their actions. Islam is a system of truth given in the Quran as Allah's final publication. Islam leads to progress and happiness of mankind, and its rules and principles apply to all facilities, time and opportunity. Islam prescribes the maintenance of physical and mental hygiene. Islam teaches that, when we love, we do it in the name of Allah, and when we hate, it also do so in the name of Allah. Islam commands all that is good and useful, and forbids all that is harmful.
Islam means peace making, commitment and dedication. Creating peace means that the faithful should live at peace with itself and with its environment. Dedication and devotion is expressed in accepting and carrying out the will of God and through it, a Muslim achieves peace with Islam.
In the Quran, the Muslim holy book, God says that He has chosen Islam as a religion for the people.
Now I have perfected your religion and My favor to you completed, and have chosen for you Islam as vjera.Kur'an (5: 3)
Muslims reject Western term Muhammedanac, because Muhammad (pbuh) as God's prophet was a carrier of God's message and because only God is worthy of worship.
Who is Allah?
Allah is the Arabic word for the One God and not the name of a private God of Muslims, but Allah is the only one with the right worshiped the Creator of the universe; and Arab Christians call God Allah.
He created people and through His Revelation showed them the best time in the world to avoid punishment in the hereafter.
Everything you see on earth and in heaven is consistent and well kept. Everything is evolving and moving in complete harmony and perfectly true; nothing is accidental. Thinking about the order in nature leads us to believe that there is One Almighty God who rules the whole world.
The study of the nature and occurrence in it leads us to the conclusion that there is a Creator who knows everything and can. The Creator is Allahu ta'ala.
Allah know and believe by His characteristics mentioned in the Quran which are many, but here mention the following:
- Allah there and there,
- Allah is one,
- God has always been,
- Allah is ever as it will not disappear,
- Allah is not anything similar,
- Allah for himself exists,
- Allah is living its eternal life,
- Allah knows, hears and sees,
- Allah makes His will,
- Allah creates, maintains and dissolves. In Surah Ikhlas, Allah Ta'ala says:
"Say: He is Allah, - He is one! God is a refuge for everyone!
Not born anyone nor is he born, and whom no one is straight! "
When you mention the name of Allah Ta'ala should say.
What does the term Muslim?
According to the meaning of this word is a Muslim who voluntarily subordinate to God's will and that the creation of peace sees his duty. A Muslim is when it becomes a statement that there is no god but the One and that Muhammad is God's Messenger. As ŽTO has said anyone who knowingly and willingly accept the will of God is a Muslim and therefore all previous prophets before Prophet Muhammad (s.v.s.) were Muslims. The Qur'an in a special way mentioned Abraham (Ibrahim), who lived long before Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa) and who was neither a Jew nor a Christian.
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but a true believer, he believed in God one, and not an idolater (Quran 3:67)
On the other hand, there are people who call themselves Muslims, but who are not subordinate to the will of God, while at the same time there are people who are taking the utmost care to keep the Islamic way of life.
You can not make a judgment about Islam when looking only people who wear a Muslim name, but that the behavior and way of life do not behave as Muslims.
How a Muslim depends on its willingness to faith and submission to God's will work.
What are the basic obligations of a Muslim?
Islam is based on five pillars, which on the following obligations:
1) The testimony (shahada), that there is only one God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
2) Spread (Salah), which is prescribed five times a day.
3) Post (Siyam), which is the month of Ramadan appears.
4) Income tax (zakat), required for tax purposes of good fortune wealthy.
5) the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), which every Muslim at least once in life has to do, if the health and financial terms may be submitted.
All these pillars of faith should have the same importance for the Muslim. Contradicting that someone does a pilgrimage, not to fast or not to perform regular namaz (prayer). Compared to some of the building is inconceivable that the projected poles are missing. In addition, if we imagine that remain in this building need roof and walls, doors and windows, which in this case in Islam constituted a necessary moral conduct, virtues as honesty, patience, veracity and similar other virtues, then this building was complete. Therefore, Muslims should not only practice the pillars of Islam, Vecdi are constantly working to develop its proper character.
Who was Muhammad?
Muhammad (s.v.s.) was born about 571 in the city of Mecca in Arabia as a member of a prominent tribe. His ancestors come from the Prophet Ismail, Ibrahim (Abraham) son. His father died before his birth, and his mother when he was six years old. Not visited the school, but, as at that time was common, was brought up by one breastfeeding, and later by the grandfather and uncle received and raised. From an early age he was known for his integrity. When he was around the age of forty years, appeared to him the angel Jibril (Gabriel) in a cave in which he commonly made to meditate and released him that God's Prophet. Such Announcements followed the next 23 years and were later collected in book form. This book, the Quran, the Muslim is the last and final revelation of God. The Holy Qur'an is held unchanged in the original form; confirming the Torah, the Psalms and Evangelium that people in the course of time change (forged).
They love Muslims Muhammad?
No. Muslims do not worship Muhammad is not (s.v.s.) either and another messenger. Muslims recognize all the former Prophets, like Adam (Adam), Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), David (Dawood), Solomon (Suleiman), Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) and all others. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the seal of Prophets, ie. that was the last prophet of God. They believe that only God, not a human being to be worshiped. Belief in Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mission implies that Muhammad -sallallahu' alaihi wa sallam is not by any means be that we should worship than just a man like other men, but unlike them, he was perfectly devoted to Allah and endowed with His mission.
Bijavši perfect servant of Allah and the Prophet obedience to him means obedience to Allah and disobedience to him means disobedience of Allah. We can not know the will of Allah except through the mediation of His Prophet, and therefore it is not possible to be Muslim by ignoring any MPs and to our epoch ignoring the times and religions published over Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam means to refuse obedience to Allah and live contrary to His commands and the law . Of all people, Allahu ta'ala has pledged to retain only the messengers of erroneous opinions and religious decisions each their religious provision and guidance of faith and must not be denied. It also does not apply to any other human being. Therefore companions, Tabin and we have our faith of Islam were subject to unintentional errors and retain the status of infallibility as deputies.
To believe that people are infallible in terms of faith as well as in terms of anything else is delusion. Pogriješivost best members of Islam such as the first generation of Muslims is not intentional and it does not carry the attribute responsibility that entails our analog bending them. These are the best believers and people unquestionable ikhlas and devotion to Allah, the Prophet and Islam. Any criticism of these Islamic cynosure implies wrongdoing on our account even though mujtahids permits and puts the task to follow the best and most correct of their words and deeds. Each of their error is better than our apparent accuracy because Ikhlas and dedication to these great guarantor of their intimacy and insight on the issue of religious things. Ignoring the separation of their words and deeds the path downhill to the hellish abyss. May Allah the Merciful preserve such behavior. Amen!
Allah chose Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his last Prophet that people deliver and explain the final revelation and to be an example of how life should rule. Therefore we follow the Prophet Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his teachings, many love him and appreciate.
What is the Qur'an?
The Quran is Allah's Book in which Allah revealed the faith of Islam Muhammad -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the intent to convey and explain to people how to use the Act achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter.
The Qur'an teaches us:
What and how should believe that Islamic duties should be done and how, and how people should rule. The Quran is not only vjerozakonik. He is a perfect code of moral rules, a source of legal norms and social laws.
Quran surgery and general history, pedagogy, sociology, astronomy, archeology, medicine, biology, physics, mathematics and other social and natural sciences.
Today Quran encourages many scientists East and West with different profiles to study and reveal the truth and instructions for integral development of individuals and communities.
What is peace?
Salam is the Islamic greeting obligatory for all Muslims and Muslim women in the world in their mutual encounters. Greet with some other Muslim greeting before Selama is a bad fad causes Allahu ta'ala dissatisfaction. Therefore, words such merhaba and other Turkish expressions as sabahhajrola etc. should not occur before selama or moreover replace the use selama which is very bad habit with Bosnians. Islamic greeting reads:
"EC ~ Salam 'Alaikum", meaning:
"Peace and blessings of Allah let it be with you!"
Muslim who has called peace must return the following words:
"VE" ALEJKUMUS ~ SELAM ", which means:
"Peace and blessings of Allah and let's you"
When someone sneezes should say "El ~ hamdulillah" and whoever hears it should respond "Jerhamukullah"
What Muslims say about Jesus (Isa S.A)?
Muslims are very respectful of Jesus (Isa) and his mother Mary (Maryam). The Holy Quran informs us that Jesus is the miracle without father came into the world.
Similitude of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam from dust created it, and then said: Be! - And he was. (Quran 3:59)
He was executed with the help of God as a prophet many miracles, among other things, he could speak immediately after birth and his mother defend her piety confirm. God has given him and other skills such as. healing the blind and the sick, reviving the dead, reviving birds made of clay and most importantly: He gave him a message for the people. This miracle, which God gave him, confirmed him as a prophet. He did not put on the cross, but raised to the sky.
Even non-believers began to come up with intrigue, but it is Allah removed, because he is the best of planners.
And when Allah said: O Jesus, I'll take your soul and to myself and raised and I'll save you from the infidels, and I will make your followers are above the unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection. Menu will be, after all throw up and I'll tell you about that in which the judge did not agree. (Kur`an 3: 54-55)
Surah Maryam (19) describes the miracles of Jesus in verses 27-34.
Does Islam in different directions beliefs?
In Islam, there are two main directions: the Shiites and Sunni. Common to both directions is to give them the Qur'an and the example of Muhammad (s.v.s.) basis of religion. Both directions five times a day pray to God, fasting in the month of Ramadan and go on hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. The difference between these two directions can be seen in two different ways of thinking. Muslims statements and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (s.v.s.) taken as a duty, called the Sunni, while others further statements and views of Ali (Muhammadevog zeta) taken as authoritative and considered it as a political and spiritual successor to the Prophet, called Shiites. The term Shia, from which comes its name, means party - in this case Alija parties. She started really as a political party, which is Ali wanted to help with his political opponents. Today Shiites are about 15% of the entire Muslim population. Most of them live in Iran and Iraq, while the Muslims of other countries predominantly Sunni.
What role takes the service of God in Islam?
The purpose of serving God in Islam is to invoke the presence of God in consciousness. Serving God as making the prayer, fasting or giving alms is one step on the way to the goal to achieve God's satisfaction with us.
If someone in his thoughts and in his conscious living God's will, then we can hope for in this world and the hereafter to God Award.
What is expected of Muslims after the death?
God is just and that His justice He could not perform, there is in Islam, the principle of responsibility. People who do good will be rewarded, and those who are doing bad things will be properly punished. Therefore, He created heaven (paradise) and hell (Hell), in which people reach under certain preconditions.
Muslims know that the present life is short and followed by a second life. This life is only a test, the test after which if it is placed, followed by eternal life in happiness and in a community of honest people in heaven.
What happens with unbelievers after death and whether the sins that God does not forgive?
The Quran clearly states:
The one who has done an atom's weight of good - will see it, and the one who has done an atom's weight of evil and - will see it. (Quran 99: 7-8)
With that thought to people who do not believe, but who in the world do good, to be on the grounds that in this world and be rewarded. People who are Muslims and who do, it will be not only in this world but also in the hereafter rewarded. The final verdict will bring God (Quran 2:62). Sin like him a flat regarded, God will not forgive.
Allah will not forgive him for someone else considered flat, and forgive sins less than that, to whom He wills. And whoever believes with Allah is to devise a lie, sin is great. (Kur`an 4:48)
Surely Allah will not forgive And yet they give flat, and will forgive whom He wills what is less. A stray far is one who believes that Allah is a plane. (Kur`an 4: 116)
Why should Muslim women to cover their hair?
Muslims need to keep an eye on modesty and in terms of dress. In order to avoid this that people find the object of desire, in Islam there are rules of dress for both men and women. Clothing should be neither thin nor narrow, to avoid visibility of body shape. Clothes man must at least cover the area from the navel to the knees, and women clothing must cover the entire body except the face and hands. Covering the face is not required. These rules stem from Kur`ana (24:31), and are specified in the statement of the Prophet Muhammad. These rules, as well as other rules in Islam are mandatory for the Muslims of puberty, since it represents the entry into the legal age.
Is Islam only pork is prohibited?
The use of pork and wild boar meat, is strictly forbidden to Muslims. So the use of pork, a Muslim makes a great sin to Allah Here poradzumjeva that any food item that contains at least a bit of pork or pork fat or any ingredient that originates from pigs, are strictly prohibited. Eating pork is forbidden for a number of reasons, but the biggest reason for this prohibition is the harm of pork to human health.
What Islam says meat animal that is not slaughtered in the name of Allah?
The meat of such animals is forbidden to a Muslim, because the very act of slaughtering animals in someone else's name am Allah undermines the concept of Tawhid, the foundations of Islam. To the meat was allowed, a Muslim is required to mention the name of Allah, saying: Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!
Al-Qurtubi states of Aisha, ra, that it raised the question regarding the slaughter of performing party (non-Muslims) on the occasion of their holidays and to devote Muslims, replied: What was slain on the occasion of the day do not eat, or eat fruit from their fruit. Allah SWT is allowed to eat it in an emergency, but says: 'And who is forced, without their desires and greed', ie without any desire or greed, 'it is not a sin' that
Types of dead animals that are prohibited for Muslim consumption:
Drowned animals; It is eg. animal that is strangled by a rope, or it is a difficult thing fell on the head of the animal and thus suffocated.
The striking of animals killed; This is an animal that has been killed by a shot stick or other object.
With the fall killed the animals; animal which is due to the drop for example. the height lost her life.
Sting killed animals; is an animal that died after eg. was stabbed by another animal (horns and animals).
An animal that is partly raised by other animals, for example. by the dog, lion, etc.
This category does not belong to an animal that is injured and say it was found by a man who then prekolje mentioning the name of Allah, while the animal is still alive. This animal was then permitted - halal.
The first reason for prohibiting the use of meat listed animals is Allah's ban on animal abuse and therefore not allowed the animal to choke, or strike until they die because this is needlessly torturing animals. Islamic way of slaughtering animals is universal in that the animal does not suffer during slaughter, because blood-letting prevents the arrival of the blood into the brain, which she loses feeling and not feel pain. Another reason for the ban is the harmfulness of such meat by the human body.
Are Muslims allowed the animals of the sea?
Yes, the animals of the sea, fish, whales, etc., Are permitted Muslims to eat. Allah says in the Qur'an following:
You are permitted to catch from the sea and the food of it (5:96), as we will, God willing, to come later in the hadith in Sahih Anber, then in Al-Musnad, Al-Muvetta'u and put on trial in connection with the words Prophet, pbuh, O sea states: / 173 / the water is clean and the animals died from it is halal. From Ibn 'Umar said Murphy' (commitment) directly from the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam: / 174 / permitted us two kinds of dead animals and two types of blood: fish, locust, liver and spleen.
What is the diet of Muslims in an emergency?
All prohibitions apply in Islam on eating, applicable only when a man is able to choose between halal and haram food. But however if the man finds himself in a situation that was forced to use haram food, because there is no other food, then it is not a sin to waste food haram to save his life. Some scholars believe that the man in case of emergency needs to spend at least a day and a night without food he would be allowed to use the haram food.
Are Muslims allowed to eat an animal that has been slaughtered by Christians?
As we already know, polytheists meat is forbidden to Muslims. But however, if we look at Christians, we will see that they actually believe in one God, even though they distort their learning. In the Qur'an Allah says the following:
From now on, you allow all the beautiful dishes; and allow you the food of those who were given the Book (Jews and Christians), and your food is permitted to them ... (Surah al-Maidah, verse 5),
While reading this verse, we can conclude that the meat of Jews and Christians permitted Muslims, until the slaughter does not detect visible signs of shirk, because in this case is such a meat forbidden to Muslims. Here we can conclude the following: If a Muslim Budo heard that Jews or Christians during slaughter someone else's name is mentioned, for example. Jesus (Isa a.s.), rather than Allah, then he is the meat of the animal haram - forbidden. It should be noted that Imam Malik R.A. opinion that animals that are slaughtered for example. Christian glory and their churches, makruh (disliked) for Muslims and for fear that when slaughtering mentioned any other name than Allah.
Slaughter of animals in Denmark and other European countries is contrary to Islamic slaughter (an animal is hit in the head a kind of a gun, only when the animal is absolutely still, then die, then follows the slaughter and to nučije other name than Allah, because today's Christians believe in a single God ) this method of slaughter is forbidden in Islam, but the meat of these animals eat is also forbidden (because the meat is considered carrion). Therefore, you are advised against buying meat in their stores (supermarkets) already buy halal meat in a Muslim butcher shops.
Are we allowed an animal that is not slaughtered according to Islamic regulations?
Most of the 'ulama considered halal meat only when the animal is slaughtered according to Islamic regulations. Against this we have a group of Maliki jurists considered halal meat even if the animal is slaughtered according to Islamic rules (cutting the throat). They relied on the above verse of Surah Al-Maidah. Means an animal that has been killed example electro-shock after this allowed Muslims, and Allah knows best again.
What he says about Islam means getting drunk?
Believers, wine and gambling, idols and arrows for divination disgusting things, Satan's doing; so that avoid to be saved.
Here is a rule about which they agreed all Islamic jurists, and that is that every means that opium, alcohol, drugs, etc., Are strictly forbidden to Muslims, both in large and small amounts.
What Islam says about trade with alcohol?
Islam strictly prohibits trafficking in alcohol, even with non-Muslims. So a Muslim is forbidden to import or export alcohol, to work in the store as a worker or boss in which the sale of alcohol. Muhammad s.a.v.s. cursed ten people who have nothing to do with alcohol, such as:
The one who produces it, the one for whom the products; the one who drinks it, the one who served it; the one who wears it (transport); the one for whom carries (transports);
The one who sells it, the one who makes money from its sale; the one who buys it, the one who is buying. (Narrated by Tirmidhi) Here it is clear that the Muslim should behave against alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants, is to reject alcohol, mother all evil.
Does a Muslim alcohol can give as a gift?
How is prohibited alcohol consumption, also is prohibited and giving alcohol as gifts Muslims, and even non-Muslims. So a Muslim should not give away alcohol to anyone and nor from anyone as a gift to accept.
Muslims are also forbidden to attend the festivals and celebrations where they serve alcohol. Muhammad a.s. says:
Anyone who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, a nesjedi the table where you drink alcohol.
Does alcohol can be used as medicine?
Here we can say the following: alcohol and I have a disease, it can never be a cure. Once a man told Muhammad a.s. that the wine used as a medicament, in this challenge Muhammad a.s. said:
Alcohol is not a drug, it is a disease.
(Transfers: Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)
Ibn Masud R.A. said: Allah did not create a cure in what is forbidden. (Narrated by Bukhari)
So it is no wonder that Islam prohibits the use of alcohol when making drugs. Here again we need to note that in case of danger to the patient's life, Islam allows the use of alcohol and only when no other means that may save the patient's life. All of these rules apply to drugs and other drugs.
Clothes and jewelry
What Islam says about clothes?
Islam allows, and even requires Muslims to be nice dresses and wears nice clothes. To enjoy the clothes she gave him Allah Men's clothing is required for two things:
Covering pubic places; and to decorate the layout.
Allah says in the Qur'an as follows:
O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce like your parents from Je-Nnete performed, removing from them their clothes to make them private parts of their show! He sees you, he and his hosts, where you can not see them. We have done the evil guardians of those who do not believe. Sura Al-Araf, verse 26.)
So, Allah commands Muslims dž.š to cover their private parts, because it is not moral to walk on earth was discovered, and the covering of the body are different from animals.
Are gold and silk allowed men?
This is the general rule; Muslim man is prohibited from wearing gold and silk. So, wearing gold rings or chains is prohibited men, also wearing silk clothes, like. silk shirts are forbidden to men. There is relief for a person, for example. allergic to other fabrics other than silk, in which case the person is not prohibited silk, taking into account that nothing else can carry other than silk. Gold and silk are permitted Muslim women.
What should be the costume of Muslim women?
Islam forbids a woman to wear clothing that does not cover all parts of the parts, which must not see, clothes that is transparent and clothing that is tight. Muhammad a.s. for these women said that although the naked clothed, due to wear through clothes. A Muslim woman is required to wear clothing that is not transparent, narrow and covering all parts of the body except the face, hands and feet.
What is the position of Islam in terms of imitating women or men?
Muhammad a.s. forbade women to wear clothing for men and forbade men to wear clothing woman. He cursed women who imitate men and cursed the men who imitate women. So in Islam is imitating men and women are strictly forbidden. In this regard Muhammad a.s. forbade men wearing clothes that preukrašena. Here we can say that a Muslim is not allowed to dress clothes, which wants to set itself apart from the others, because it is such. richer, then praise clothing is forbidden, men and women. See the article on the hijab.
What Islam says exaggeration?
Islam condemns and therefore prohibits any exaggeration. Similarly, Islam prohibits changes to the human body because somebody wants to looks prettier. This is primarily related to plastic surgery. Thus, any such amendment was made only for the sake of beauty, not to save the world, is strictly prohibited in Islam - haram.
What Islam says about tattoos, epilating and plastic surgery?
Here we will immediately relay the words of Muhammad s.a.v.s .:
Muhammad a.s. cursed the person who says tattoos and person
the real tattoos ...
So what tattooing is concerned, it is strictly forbidden in Islam. The first reason for the ban is because tattooing is losing the beauty of the body, and the second reason is that when tattooing hurts the person to whom the real tattoo.
As plastic surgery is concerned, Islam is seen as a fraud, because by changing what Allah has given you, you do the fraud. So, plastic surgery is forbidden in Islam. Also eyebrow (epilation) is forbidden in Islam.
What is the position of Islam in terms of wearing a wig?
Islam allows all that is good and forbids all that bad. Therefore here we can already guess the answer. Islam forbids the wearing of wigs for men and women. Also prohibited is the insertion of hair to your own hair to make people think that the person has more hair.
Wearing a wig is a scam, and Muhammad a.s. says:
He who cheats us does not belong to us. (Narrated by a large number of the Companions RA)
What Islam says about coloring hair?
Islam allows the hair coloring Muslims. Muhammad a.s. said Jews and Christians do not dye your hair, make sure you're the same as them. (Narrated by Bukhari)
This mentioned hadith does not constitute an order, but just good advice, we can conclude from the work of the companions of Muhammad as, for example because. Abu Bakr R.A. and Umar ibn al-Khattab R.A. They painted their hair, and say, Ali ibn Abi Talib RA, Ibn Ka'b R.A. and Enes R.A. It did not work. Now the question arises: what color to use, what type, and so on. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Bakr R.A. he raised his old father, Abu Qahaafah and brought him before the Prophet S.A .. Prophet a.s. he saw his white hair and told him: dye, but does not use black. (It is mentioned in Fath al-Bari)
This does not mean that the hair coloring black forbidden, but only advice. He knows, for example. to Hassan RA, Hussein R.A. and others are not opposed coloring hair black. It is recommended that hair coloring Henna or katma. Henna gives a reddish color while katm hair gives blackish color with red presijevanjem. Abu Bakr R.A. he dyed his own hair Henna and katma, while Omer R.A. dyed his own hair just Henne.
What Islam says about the beard?
Ibn Umar RA transfers of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.v.s. following: contrary to the polytheists; let the beard and mustache podkraćujte.
When it comes to putting the chin some ulema argued that shaving the beard makruh (disliked), while the other group argues that this is haram - forbidden. Brad is integrally personification of a man and a sign of masculinity and the male sex. Beard is not thought to be beard uncontrolled release, not the contrary, beard must be kept clean, and so long as that does not constitute a nuisance. All Muslim men are encouraged to wear a beard, because beard is a symbol of Islam. If a Muslim does not wear a beard looking to the disbelievers and the other advanced and modern people, especially from the west, then let him know that Prophet Muhammad a.s. said the following:
When imitates a people, and he belongs to the people. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
He never transferred that to a Muslim from the first generation shaved his beard, and we should we should emulate Muhammad a.s. and his companions R.A. Conclusion: The Muslim should grow a beard, but it should not be shaven, and mustache should be shortened.
Is there a holy war, or what is jihad?
The media is often referred to and identified concepts as holy war and jihad. In Islam there is no concept of holy war. This refers to the word jihad meaning strain, or more accurately the strain on the path of God. Any resistance that is taken in lifestyle to achieve God's pleasure, can be considered jihad.
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